18 Words That Mean Completely Different Things To Vapers
Were you confused when you started vaping?
(Or are you still confused now?) In the six years I have been writing
about vaping (a word that has itself only just made it into the Oxford
English Dictionary) the vocabulary associated with vaping has exploded
like a badly put-together mechanical mod charged on an ipad plug. So,
both to help the confused and for a bit of fun, we’ve put together ten
words that mean different things to vapers. Can you think of more? Let
me know in the comments!
1. OMG Non-Vaper: Oh My God! Vaper: Zero nicotine eliquid. (Admittedly, this only works if you pronounce it 0h-M-G!)
' OMG – Non-vaper: Oh My God. Vaper: Zero Nicotine Eliquid '
2. P.E.N.I.S. Non-Vaper: Isn’t that rude? Vaper: My Personal Electronic Nicotine Inhalation System. I love it!
' P.E.N.I.S – Non-vaper: Isn’t that rude? Vaper: My Personal Electronic Nicotine Inhalation System '
3. Vooping Non-Vaper: What the…? Vaper: Vaping on the loo!
Vooping – Non-vaper: What the…? Vaper: Vaping on the loo!
4. Ohm Non-Vaper: Sound a Buddhist makes. Ohm: Measures the resistance of an atomiser. The lower the ohm, the better the throat hit.
Ohm – Non-vaper: Sound a
Buddhist makes. Vaper: Measure the resistance of an atomiser. The lower
the ohm, the better the throat hit
5. Throat hit/throat kick
Non-Vaper: What that mugger did when he grabbed my bag. It’s bad!
Vaper: The feeling you get when vapour hits the back of your throat.
It’s good!
Throat hit – Non-vaper: What muggers do. Vaper: When vapour hits the back of your throat.
6. ENDS Non-Vaper: The
end of something e.g. a road. Vaper: Electronic nicotine delivery
system. (Actually, more often used by academics to make themselves sound
clever and confuse non-academics.)
ENDS – Non-vaper: The end of something. Vaper: Electronic Nicotine Delivery System
7. Analog Non-Vaper: Type of signal. Vaper: A traditional tobacco cigarette.
Analog – Non-vaper: Type of signal. Vaper: A traditional tobacco cigarette
8. BC Non-Vaper: Before Christ. Vaper: Bottom coil (also see BDC, or bottom coil clearomiser.)
BC- Non-vaper: Before Christ. Vaper: Bottom Coil
9. Flooding Non-Vaper: What happens to your house in the UK in winter. Vaper: When you get eliquid down the centre tube.
Flooding- Non-vaper: What happens in the UK in winter. Vaper: Getting juice down the centre tube.
10. Mod Non-Vaper: Wimpy alternative to rockers. Looks like our Dan (see pic here). Vaper: Modified electronic cigarette.
Mod – Non-vaper: Wimpy alternative to rockers. Vaper: Modified electronic cigarettes.
11. Vlirting Non-Vaper:
Dunno. Vaper: Vaping and flirting, originating from the word smirting
(smoking and flirting). (Okay, so we made this one up!)
Vlirting- Non-vaper: Dunno. Vaper: Vaping and flirting.
12. Genesis Non-Vaper: The first book in the Bible. Vaper: A particular type of rebuildable atomiser that holds juice under the coils.
Gensis – Non-vaper: The first
book in the Bible. Vaper: A particular type of rebuildable atomiser that
hold juice under the coils.
13. Throw Non-Vaper: What
you’d do with a boot at the highland games. Vaper: The amount of travel
in the switch on a mechmod before it fires.
Throw – Non-vaper: What you do at games. Vaper: The travel in the switch on a mod before it fires.
14. Deck Non-Vaper: A type of chair. Vaper: Where your coils and wicking sit.
Deck – Non-vaper: A type of chair. Vaper: Where your coils and wicking sit.
15. Tank Non-Vaper: A big
metal vehicle that ploughs though walls, over cars and blows stuff up.
Vaper: Where the juice is held inside an atomiser.
Tank – Non-vaper: An army vehicle. Vaper: Where the juice is held inside an atomiser.
16. eGo Non-Vaper: Something a big headed person has a lot of. Vaper: Generally used word to describe generation 2 devices.
eGo- Non-Vaper: Something a big headed person has a lot of. Vaper: Generally used word to describe generation 2 devices.
17. Stinky Non-Vaper: What farts are. Vaper: A standard cigarette.
Stinky – Non-Vaper: What farts are. Vaper: A standard cigarette
18. Agenda Non-Vaper:
Either a male or a female. Vaper: The sole motivation behind government
and medical establishment’s attempt to destroy and over regulate the
ecig industry.
Agenda – Non-Vaper: Male/female. Vaper: Motivation behind Govs attempt destroy the ecig industry
Can you think of any more words that mean different things to vapers? Leave Comments