The Secret Language Of Vaping 18 Words



18 Words That Mean Completely Different Things To Vapers

Were you confused when you started vaping? (Or are you still confused now?) In the six years I have been writing about vaping (a word that has itself only just made it into the Oxford English Dictionary) the vocabulary associated with vaping has exploded like a badly put-together mechanical mod charged on an ipad plug. So, both to help the confused and for a bit of fun, we’ve put together ten words that mean different things to vapers. Can you think of more? Let me know in the comments!
1. OMG  Non-Vaper: Oh My God! Vaper: Zero nicotine eliquid. (Admittedly, this only works if you pronounce it 0h-M-G!)

' OMG – Non-vaper: Oh My God. Vaper: Zero Nicotine Eliquid '

2. P.E.N.I.S. Non-Vaper: Isn’t that rude? Vaper: My Personal Electronic Nicotine Inhalation System. I love it!

' P.E.N.I.S – Non-vaper: Isn’t that rude? Vaper: My Personal Electronic Nicotine Inhalation System '

3. Vooping Non-Vaper: What the…? Vaper: Vaping on the loo!

Vooping – Non-vaper: What the…? Vaper: Vaping on the loo!

4. Ohm Non-Vaper: Sound a Buddhist makes. Ohm: Measures the resistance of an atomiser. The lower the ohm, the better the throat hit.

Ohm – Non-vaper: Sound a Buddhist makes. Vaper: Measure the resistance of an atomiser. The lower the ohm, the better the throat hit
5. Throat hit/throat kick Non-Vaper: What that mugger did when he grabbed my bag. It’s bad! Vaper: The feeling you get when vapour hits the back of your throat. It’s good!

Throat hit – Non-vaper: What muggers do. Vaper: When vapour hits the back of your throat.
6. ENDS Non-Vaper: The end of something e.g. a road. Vaper: Electronic nicotine delivery system. (Actually, more often used by academics to make themselves sound clever and confuse non-academics.)

ENDS – Non-vaper: The end of something. Vaper: Electronic Nicotine Delivery System
7. Analog Non-Vaper: Type of signal. Vaper: A traditional tobacco cigarette.

Analog – Non-vaper: Type of signal. Vaper: A traditional tobacco cigarette

8. BC Non-Vaper: Before Christ. Vaper: Bottom coil (also see BDC, or bottom coil clearomiser.)

BC- Non-vaper: Before Christ. Vaper: Bottom Coil
9. Flooding Non-Vaper: What happens to your house in the UK in winter. Vaper: When you get eliquid down the centre tube.

Flooding- Non-vaper: What happens in the UK in winter. Vaper: Getting juice down the centre tube.
10. Mod Non-Vaper: Wimpy alternative to rockers. Looks like our Dan (see pic here). Vaper: Modified electronic cigarette.

Mod – Non-vaper: Wimpy alternative to rockers. Vaper: Modified electronic cigarettes.
11. Vlirting Non-Vaper: Dunno. Vaper: Vaping and flirting, originating from the word smirting (smoking and flirting). (Okay, so we made this one up!)

Vlirting- Non-vaper: Dunno. Vaper: Vaping and flirting.

12. Genesis Non-Vaper: The first book in the Bible. Vaper: A particular type of rebuildable atomiser that holds juice under the coils.

Gensis – Non-vaper: The first book in the Bible. Vaper: A particular type of rebuildable atomiser that hold juice under the coils.
13. Throw Non-Vaper: What you’d do with a boot at the highland games. Vaper: The amount of travel in the switch on a mechmod before it fires.

Throw – Non-vaper: What you do at games. Vaper: The travel in the switch on a mod before it fires.
14. Deck Non-Vaper: A type of chair. Vaper: Where your coils and wicking sit.

Deck – Non-vaper: A type of chair. Vaper: Where your coils and wicking sit.
15. Tank Non-Vaper: A big metal vehicle that ploughs though walls, over cars and blows stuff up. Vaper: Where the juice is held inside an atomiser.

Tank – Non-vaper: An army vehicle. Vaper: Where the juice is held inside an atomiser.
16. eGo Non-Vaper: Something a big headed person has a lot of. Vaper: Generally used word to describe generation 2 devices.

eGo- Non-Vaper: Something a big headed person has a lot of. Vaper: Generally used word to describe generation 2 devices.
17. Stinky Non-Vaper: What farts are. Vaper: A standard cigarette.

Stinky – Non-Vaper: What farts are. Vaper: A standard cigarette
18. Agenda Non-Vaper: Either a male or a female. Vaper: The sole motivation behind government and medical establishment’s attempt to destroy and over regulate the ecig industry.

Agenda – Non-Vaper: Male/female. Vaper: Motivation behind Govs attempt destroy the ecig industry

Can you think of any more words that mean different things to vapers? Leave Comments  :)



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