Top 5 Tips & Tricks for Surviving a Vape Convention

Attending a vape convention can take vapers by surprise if they’re not prepared. Not being ready for these massive events can lead to a lot of unpleasantries. There are a few tips and tricks to help concoct a more enjoyable experience before the next show.
  1. Wear comfortable, lightweight shoes and dress appropriately. I cannot stress this enough. Most conventions are in locations with concrete floors and seating is very limited. You will do more walking and standing than you realize. You’re going to want to wear clothing you can move freely in.
  2. Drink water. Dehydration can sneak up on you quickly, especially at a convention. Consider picking up a plastic or metal water bottle before the trip that clips onto jeans or a backpack, so it can be refilled throughout the weekend.
  3. Don’t get over nic’d. One of my best kept secrets is to have a 0mg e-liquid readily available and use it in my main setup. I’m guilty of chain vaping when I get caught up in socializing with everyone. Vaping a 0mg helps me not overdo my nicotine consumption, as too much of it leads me to feeling badly fairly quickly. Pace it out.
  4. Food at a convention is not cheap, so be prepared for long lines and high prices. One of the best ways to avoid this insanity is to throw in a few snacks like beef jerky, Cliff Bars, or something that travels well and won’t spoil if it’s not immediately consumed.
  5. Plan the day. Expos always have vendor maps, so I generally look to see the names of the vendors listed and decide where I am going first on each day before the show starts. That helps keep the vape budget in check, as I am able to buy the things I want and not cut into that spending money at a booth I didn’t plan on visiting.
Following these tips can help minimize having a bad vape convention experience. With convention season in full bloom, I thought this list might be helpful before the next show. See you on the road!
Angela Garrity is a contributing writer, online vape life composer and social media coordinator for Vape News Magazine. Contact her at



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